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Audience: TY & Senior Cycle Students

Additive manufacturing (3D printing) is changing the way in which things are made, and what it is possible to make. We are at an early stage in this revolution and this event will show your pupils what is now state of the art and what will be the opportunities over next 10 years.

SEAM (South East Additive Manufacturing) is the leading facility in the country for research and training (through its training centre, 3DWIT) in this area and is based in SETU, Waterford. For EngFest, the South East Engineering Week, the team are offering three guided visits for secondary schools

This will comprise a 15 Minutes presentation introduce what is MANUFACTURING, and why it is important and explaining what Additive Manufacturing or 3d printing is, followed by a 30 min tour of 3DWIT and SEAM



SEAM Centre

SETU Applied Technology Building

Waterford Industrial Estate



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